Call or Email Geelong Concrete Cutting Service Pty Ltd Today!  03 5275 1768

Providing High-Quality Service

Local Industrial Cutting Services in Greater Geelong

Contact Our Team to Learn About Your Options

Committed to Helping Greater Geelong Thrive

Whether you're constructing or renovating, you've got a schedule to meet. Geelong Concrete Cutting Service Pty Ltd can help you reach the next steps in the process with our cutting and drilling services. We've helped businesses and industries in Greater Geelong for over 50 years and continue to provide safe and friendly services. 

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We Provide Industrial and Commercial Cutting

Cutting jobs require a highly skilled team and the right tools. Our team can bring both of these elements to your next project. Whether you need to get through concrete to make new entryways, make room for cabling or are installing HVAC ductwork, our team can make the precise holes and cuts you need to move forward. 

Concrete Cutting

Our team can cut and remove concrete for industrial-related projects. This includes cutting through walls. 

Concrete Drilling

We perform core drilling services. We use diamond-tipped tools to ensure we meet the right measurements. 

Asphalt Cutting

We help industrial and commercial businesses handle asphalt cutting. Our work is precise, clean and safe. 
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